Transform Your Dating Life with a Single, Powerful Analogy
Jacqlyn Loeffler Jacqlyn Loeffler

Transform Your Dating Life with a Single, Powerful Analogy

The process of dating and of doing a puzzle are far more similar than you might realize. This post explores how leaning into this metaphor while going through the dating process can empower you to date more effectively and find the person you’re meant to be with that much faster, and with no hurt feelings.

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You Don’t Want What Doesn’t Want You
Jacqlyn Loeffler Jacqlyn Loeffler

You Don’t Want What Doesn’t Want You

Dating can be the most straightforward and rewarding process if we allow it to be, but we usually prefer to complicate things by clinging to specific outcomes and attaching to specific people who aren’t actually meant for us. This post explores how a simple mindset shift can immensely simplify the process of dating, and make you far more effective in your pursuit of finding the one.

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The Paradox of Permeable Boundaries
Jacqlyn Loeffler Jacqlyn Loeffler

The Paradox of Permeable Boundaries

Weakening your boundaries to please others might seem like a good idea to gain love, acceptance, and praise - but doing so comes with a whole range of negative ramifications, including putting off those people you’re so desperately trying to impress….

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5 Ways to Distinguish Intuition from Anxiety
Jacqlyn Loeffler Jacqlyn Loeffler

5 Ways to Distinguish Intuition from Anxiety

The similarities between a gut feeling and a of pang anxiety make it difficult to tell them apart. This post shares a number of subtle differences between the two that can make discerning your intuition a much easier task.

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The Ultimate Key to Weathering All Disappointments in Life
Jacqlyn Loeffler Jacqlyn Loeffler

The Ultimate Key to Weathering All Disappointments in Life

Thinking we know exactly how our path needs to unfold to get to a particular destination is one of the largest reasons it can hit us so hard when things don’t go according to plan. Because if not this way, then which way? How will we get to where we need to be in order to meet our future? This post explores the key to finding happiness in the flow of life and weathering any perceived disappointment through one single belief.

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Why Sacrificing Comfort is the Key to Success
Jacqlyn Loeffler Jacqlyn Loeffler

Why Sacrificing Comfort is the Key to Success

If you want to reach success, welcoming discomfort with open arms is required. This post explores why getting comfortable with discomfort is the key to reaching big goals and provides tips on how to fight the inertia brought about by those easy habits that deter us from our path.

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The Importance of Defining Your Core Values
Jacqlyn Loeffler Jacqlyn Loeffler

The Importance of Defining Your Core Values

Your core values serve as the literal foundation for everything you do and every decision you make. This post explores the various ways in which your life can improve both personally and professionally when you take the time to define what’s important to you.

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Pouring From an Empty Cup Part 1: How a Lack of Self-Love Can Negatively Manifest in Relationships
Jacqlyn Loeffler Jacqlyn Loeffler

Pouring From an Empty Cup Part 1: How a Lack of Self-Love Can Negatively Manifest in Relationships

When we don’t love ourselves, it’s virtually impossible to show up fully in our romantic relationships. Part 1 of this post explores 3 of the 6 different ways a lack of self-love can rear its ugly head in relationships. It outlines the behaviors to watch out for within yourself to know if you’re operating from a place of emptiness and explains why filling your own cup first is the key to a healthy relationship.

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